Saturday, July 09, 2005

Round one results

The results are in, and Marylee, Kevin and I are advancing to the semifinals.

It was a terrific crowd at the Bean, which was jammed. If you're coming to one of these sessions, be sure to reserve your table well in advance... and come a little early if you care about where you sit.

Two observations:
  1. Jeffrey Yu, who headlined, is jaw-droppingly funny. If you haven't caught his act, put it on your must-do list.
  2. The toilet paper holder in the Laughing Bean's bathroom is a carved wooden figure. Am I the only one who thinks he bears a more than passing resemblance to a scowling Paul Martin?
And once again, if you're taking part in the contest and want to be able to post to this blog, just leave a comment or drop me an e-mail at rob at robcottingham dot ca.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Round 1: This Friday at the Laughing Bean...

David has the schedule for the competition up on his site. Here's the lineup for this Friday night, July 8th, at the Bean:
Greg Savoie, Rob Cottingham, Kevin Amos, Paul Decarey, Marylee Stephenson, Jennifer Steel, Carol MacDonald.
Headliner: Jeff Yu, winner of the 1st Annual Search for the Funniest Comic with a Day Job Contest.
By the way, I'm happy to link to any and all contestants and headliners, so if you have a site, let me know - rob at robcottingham dot ca.

And as I mentioned in the comments on the previous post, if you're competing and want to add your own entries to this blog, let me know and I'll add you to the roster. (The usual rules your mom taught you apply: no flames unless they're really damn funny and called for, nothing libellous, blah blah blah mutual respect and privacy of all concerned.)